Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hungarians don't panic
I received the above cartoon from an unknown correspondent by mail. It says: "This is absolutely not so funny!" Understand?!"
On a different note:
Most Hungarians don't panic despite the fact that the Avian Flu virus has been detected in some dead birds in the country.
Népszabadság Online, the online edition of the country's leading political daily newspaper has been conducting an online poll among its readers, and the results show that only less than every second respondent is to some extent scared because of the bird flu. The majority, or 55,8 percent of the respondents stated that they do not have fears, "because this is an artificially generated hysteria".
8,1 percent said that they were scared very much; 36,1 per cent stated that they had moderate fears.
This is the second such poll in this theme conducted by Népszabadság Online; they have asked their readers almost the same questions end of November last year. Then 59,4 percent thought that this was an artificial hysteria; 6,8 per cent had serious and 27,7 per cent moderate fears. Interestingly 6,1 per cent answered that they had no fears at all, because "the flu won't reach us".
So it is clear that the number of those Hungarians who have an intense fear has increased by 1,3 points, while the number of people with moderate fears has gone up by more than 8 points. I should say that this is normal.
These polls are, of course not representative and they reflect the feelings only of the respondents of Népszabadság Online, the majority of whose readers have a higher than average education and income.
If you would like to take part in such a poll you can do it right on this page; on the right. Have fun, wash your hands regularly, if you don't have to, do not get in close contact with birds, and, please don't panic.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Take it with humor!
I received today these photos from an unknow, possibly Hungarian correspondent: they show a presumably homeless woman kissing and caressing some pigeons on the Kossuth Square, before the building of the Hungarian Parliament. Their message, I presume is this: birdflu may be hazardous to your health if you are crazy ... But, of course being crazy is a precondition for kissing pigeons - or any other species of birds - these days. (Otherwise I read somewhere that pigeons are generally not hit by the virus of the Avian Influenza.)
So better cheer up and don't kiss your - or for that matter - others' birds however close they might be to your heart.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It has reached us!

The Hungarian authorities have informed the European Commission of confirmed cases of the H5 avian influenza virus in 3 dead wild swans found in the county of Bács-Kiskun, in Southern Hungary. Samples from the dead birds are now being sent to the Community Reference Laboratory in Weybridge for further tests to determine whether this is the H5N1 strain. The Hungarian authorities are applying the same precautionary measures as other Member States in which the H5N1 virus has been confirmed (Greece, Italy, Germany) or in which it is suspected (Slovenia, Austria) in wild birds.
The Commission will adopt a Decision at 17:00 today on the precautionary measures to be applied in Hungary, just as it did for the other affected Member States.

The precautionary measures include the establishment of a 3km protection zone around the area where the swans were found and a surrounding surveillance zone of 10 km. In the protection zone, poultry must be kept indoors, movement of poultry is banned except directly to the slaughterhouse, and the dispatch of meat outside the zone is forbidden except under very limited conditions. In both the protection and surveillance zone, on-farm biosecurity measures must be strengthened, hunting of wild birds is banned. Disease awareness raising activities for poultry owners and their families must be carried out. The avian influenza situation in all affected countries is being reviewed by the Standing Committee on the Food and Chain and Animal Health, which is meeting today and tomorrow.

Well, I knew that sooner or later some of these poor birds would be found dead on our soil, especially since all the countries surrounding Hungary have been hit during the last few days.

I hope, there will be no panic here (as elsewhere), and I found it very positive that our PM, Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsany, who has started his own blog a couple of days ago (in view of the election campaign we have), immediately posted an entry reassuring the public that Hungary is well prepared for the Avian Flu and that the government will take all the necessary steps to control the veterinary desease.

For those few, who understand Hungarian, here is a quote from Mr. Gyurcsany's blog:
Most hívott Gráf József, a földművelésügyi miniszter, hogy a Magyarországon átvonuló hattyúk és más vadmadarak közül jó néhány elpusztult, és minden bizonnyal a madárinfluenzának estek áldozatul. Na most akkor félre mindennel, ez a legfontosabb. Gyors telefonok, tájékozódás, megbeszélést kérek délutánra, lemondunk minden más programot. Még nincs senki és semmi veszélyben, de ezt az emberek nem tudják. Félni fognak, és félteni fogják a családjukat, az ismerősöket. Ha többet tudnak, és ismerik a részleteket, akkor nincs okuk a pánikra. A hatóságok felkészültek, számítottunk rá, hogy ez előbb-utóbb eléri Magyarországot. Tájékoztatni kell, minél pontosabban. Ez a fő szabály. Most csak az átvonuló madarak betegedtek meg. Az a legfontosabb, hogy ne terjedjen át a betegség a hazai állományra. Az állattartó telepek tudják, hogy mi a dolguk. Emberek nincsenek veszélyben. De nem elég, ha ezt én tudom, tudnia kell mindenkinek. Azt tapasztalom, hogy ez emberek többsége nem tudja, hogy a madárinfluenza állatbetegség, amely csak egészen rendkívüli és különleges körülmények között, szélsőséges esetben tud bármilyen veszélyt jelenteni az emberekre. Ilyen körülmények pedig nincsenek Magyarországon. Magyarországon biztonságban vannak az emberek, jó lenne elkerülni azt, hogy az indokoltnál nagyobb aggodalom kerítsen bennünket hatalmába. Vigyázunk az országra, vigyázunk mindenkire és megtettünk mindent, amit ilyenkor meg kell tenni azért, hogy biztonságban legyen az ország.

Pedig a mai nap nem ígérkezett rendkívülinek. A szokásos húsz, harminc perces megbeszéléseken túl, amelyből egy nap akár 10-20 program is összejön, egy tűnt különösen izgalmasnak. Online interjút szerettem volna adni a kormányzati portálnak, de most ezt elsodorta a madárinfuenza. Nem töröljük a programot, csak elhalasztjuk.

Most minden másnál fontosabb korlátozni, csökkenteni a madárinfluenza kockázatát, megvédeni az országot. Lesz itt tennivalónk.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bird flu reaches Italy and Greece
The Italian health minister said that the virus had been found in wild swans in Sicily, and other cases were suspected elsewhere in the country - BBC reports.

And Greek officials say a UK laboratory has confirmed the virus in three dead swans found in northern Greece.

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Bird flu vaccine works in mice
Scientists have produced a vaccine against deadly H5N1 strains of bird flu that has protected mice, using a genetic engineering technique that can be easily scaled up for stockpiling to prepare for a pandemic. (Reuters, CNN)

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