Saturday, October 29, 2005

Stay healthy! That's the best way of protecting yourself.
This very long, but very interesting - and, of course, somewhat controversial - article from the Australian Indmedia site its Australian author explains us a lot of the basics of what going on in our bodies, how these bacteria, viruses, germs exist and coexist there and what are the drugs and vaccines good for.
I think this is a good read:
in reponse to the stupid hype about bird flu I've written a piece about how i see it.....

This is my favourite chapter in it:
There is but one type of immunity: HEALTH.
You can give all the vaccines you want but they do not give immunity
Immunity, from the medical viewpoint, is a state in which the body's immune system is capable of recognising and destroying specific disease causing germs. So for example, if the body has immunity against measles, then supposedly, should the body come into contact with a measles germ, the immune system will take immediate action to destroy the measles germ thus preventing measles. Sounds fine in theory but it doesn't work in practise.
Many studies have shown that measles, rubella, diphtheria and other infections can still occur in fully immune individuals.

◦ our immune system is not designed to fight off germs, for in reality, germs are not our enemies but our friends. Their real purpose is to feed on the waste matter within our bodies and thus assist in the important task of keeping our system clean. The true relationship between man and germ is not one of open warfare but one of peaceful co-existence, a relationship that Biology refers to as symbiosis.

Louis Pasteur, father of the germ theory, confessed on his deathbed that he was wrong about the germ being the cause of disease. The famous quotation went like this.
"It's the soil, not the seed."


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